Hey, hey!! It’s week two of the $100 Room Challenge!! As promised I’m sharing the plan for my hallway makeover. But first a recap….This challenge is hosted by Erin of Lemons Lavender & Laundry We Have One Month to transform a space with a budget of only $100 dollars. So how do I plan to accomplish that for my drab hallway?
That amount of money really does go quickly. But I have a plan. Let’s see that mood board again……
Picture ledges | Mail caddy | Affordable dark bronze door knobs | Burlap memo boards | Runner | Affordable black gallery frames
My Plans for the Hallway Makeover:
So if you remember from last week {see week 1 and the before pictures HERE } all the doors in the hallway have tacky gold knobs. Gold is so in right now and I actually do love it myself. But the blingy gold of these knobs is not in. They scream builder grade tract house and most likely came in a pack of 1,000. Plus a few are broken. Years ago I bought the knobs and we just never got around to installing them. I love bright white doors with dark knobs.
I still want to have family photos up in the hallway. I am going to add some interest by using picture ledges. It works for my decor commitment issues because I can easily switch it up.
The cabinet counter linen closet thingy a.k.a. the “martini shaker” cabinet is going to become a legit drop zone and command center. I am going to add a memo board and a caddy for the incoming mail. My husband is going to get a tray for his wallet and keys. I will drop my purse there. I’m really looking forward to feeling a little more put together around here. I also want to add larger more modern pulls to the cabinet doors if I can fit it in the budget.
I need to come up with something for the dog crate. I wanted to turn a piece of furniture into a dog bed \ crate. I even have the perfect thing. But…..the husband is rather irritated at the thought and wants me to leave well enough alone. Hmmmm…I’m going to keep working on him and just move the crate for the pictures. Full disclosure.
There are two can lights that I want to change to pendants. I can’t do wall scones because electrical is not going to happen and I don’t want to deal with any cords hanging down. So I will use THESE conversion kits from Lowe’s and they are on sale for $18. They are so easy!!! Then I just need to figure out shades that will keep it in budget.
There is nothing left in the budget for a new runner so my plan is to just flip the runner I have over and it looks like the inspiration runner. It should look fine until I find the perfect runner in my price range. It could be a while. Ultimately I want a vintage persian or kilim one with pinks, rusts and blues.
I’m going to shop the house for any other decor items I need.
I am toying with the idea of a wall treatment but we are quickly running out of time and money. So we will see.
What I already have:
Dark bronze door knobs
Gallon of satin Valspar paint in the color Quail Egg which is a nice warm white.
Picture frames for the ledges
Runner..flipped over
Canvas to turn into a memo board
Mail caddy
What I Need to Buy:
Picture ledges from IKEA – 4 at 9.99 each = $40
Can light conversion kits from Lowe’s – 2 at $18 each = $36
Shades for the pendants – ???
Pulls for the cabinets – ???
Wall treatment – ???
So the one thing that I have accomplished for this project is selling an old piece of furniture that was sitting around for $50 so I get to add that to my budget. That’s whats it’s all about, being resourceful and thinking outside of the box. Tonight I head to IKEA for the picture ledges and meatballs!! Woot woot. Then it is a long Friday with a paint brush and lots of white paint. Maybe a husband helper if I play my cards right and not mention another word about the dog crate. I will be rewarded Saturday with a beach day. YAY!!!
That is a wrap.
Week 1: Before pics…HERE
Week 2: The plan
Week 3: Progress pics & DIY projects
Week 4: The reveal
See What Progress Everyone Made:

You think you run behind!? This comment is way past due but just want to say that I love the way you have really gotten organized and now maybe your dear husband will even stop forgetting his keys! And, I will definitely work on him about the dog crate!! What a good idea to “shop the house” for deco items. So true that sometimes just moving things around in our homes makes them seem fresh and new:)
Stunning inspiration! I’m lovin’ that mail caddy! The picture ledges sound ideal for switching things up in the future.
Your inspiration is gorgeous! I cannot wait to see how it comes together in the space. Love all your budget-saving ideas 🙂
Thank you Erin! I’m way behind but I’m just going to do the best I can.
Love the mood board! Love the drop zone ideas. We have our own little box we drop the mail in and a key hanger right by the door. We would lose our keys otherwise!
Thank you so much. We really need to get more organized, so this should be good!
Your inspiration board looks so pretty! I love the idea of using picture ledges because it allows you the flexibility to move things around without making more holes in the walls…super guilty of that! LOL. Excited to see the reveal!
I get so nervous to make holes that I don’t hang anything!! So I know I’m going to love this. Thanks for following along!
I love your mood board! It’s going to look great!
Thank you for following along! Means so much!!!
I love all your ideas! You know who you can call if you need help sewing something cute to cover the crate because I know you would rather have a painting/hanging stuff husband than an irritated husband! In the grand scheme of things, the other changes will look so nice that I think you won’t mind. Have a fun day at the beach!
Thank you for offering Barbie!! You are so sweet, and so right!! I will let you know if I go that route!
I love the idea of picture ledges. I used them in my last house, and hated to leave them behind! It’s going to look great!
Oh that’s so good to know!! I am pretty sure that I am going to love the flexibility. Thank you for your input!!
I love the colors of your choices. Very stylish. Conversion lights is a great idea.
Thank you Maria!! I hope it all works out how I have planned in my head.
It’s going to look so great! Good luck tomorrow with painting! I always have to give myself a pep talk for paint projects-they always look SO good after and I’m always SO amazed with what a transformation they make though! Can’t wait to see how it is coming along next week!
~Morgan (mypeartreehome.com)
Exactly!! I usually end up saying..”why didn’t I do this sooner?” I make things really big in my head and then I get overwhelmed. I am so happy to get this project done though!!
Love your plans, Jessica! Picture ledges are always such a great idea — so versatile, and you can switch up your art as you please. Do you have any other home items aside from the piece of furniture you mentioned that you could sell to save up for a new runner? I was thinking about selling the two mirrors we have in the kids’ bathroom currently, and then using that money toward a new light fixture…. We’ll see.
Thank you Kate. I am loving the idea of being able to switch things up easily. Hmmm….Now you have me thinking. Maybe I could find something to sell???? Then I would have to make a decision on the runner. Oh no. I’m horrible at making up my mind. LOL!