Deco and Bloom interview

deco and bloom interviewWhen the decor blog Deco and Bloom asked to interview me I was extremely flattered and so so happy! I love reading their blog and the Behind the Brand interviews.

{{To read my interview click HERE and it will take you directly there}} I shared little bits of why I chose the name Honey & Hydrangea and how I find balance as a mom, wife and blogger. Read more

Curated Wish List #1


When I was young my grandparents had those giant JCPenney catalogs that were almost bigger than I was. They would tell me to pick out what I wanted. I spent hours day dreaming of the pretend kitchens, then I graduated to school outfits and bedspreads. I was always ecstatic when they would surprise me with things from my wish list. I think that is why one of my favorite pass-times has always been flipping through home decor magazines, catalogs and now blogs.

I thought it would be fun to share my very own monthly curated wish list starting now…. Read more

Treasured and Timeless Pieces

treasured-and-timeless-piecesI have those few pieces that I will never part with, they never get hidden away in a cabinet and they have a story to tell.

I’m joining 7 other bloggers and we are talking about our “storied goods”. Be sure to read their sweet stories next… {{links at the end of this post}} I can’t wait to tell you about a few of my found and storied goods!!!  Read more

Free Printables Collection 1

free-printablesHave you ever spent way too long searching for free printables only to find that they’re blurry and/or you can’t figure out how to print them? Yep, me too! I wanted to find some to dress up my in-your-face refrigerator. The budget doesn’t allow for a new SMEG or a sleek designer model like my little heart desires and there is nothing wrong with the one that we have, which is good really!! During our recent kitchen update I wanted to alter the cabinets to make the fridge look built in, but the budget ran dry and honestly so did the energy. So here’s what I came up with to make me hate it less…. Read more